June 2, 2020

We started ALTO with the vision to build a platform and community that is open to all voices, ideas and most importantly, people.

We have been disgusted by the recent events involving racism, that have been occurring for far too long. Discrimination divides our society and this needs to end.

Silence is not an option anymore and we need to make that clear. The black community needs us more than ever right now.

We urge everyone to support organizations and people who combat these systemic problems.

We will never truly understand as our team comes from priveledge (race, class, educaation), which has contributed to systemic oppression.

We commit to do our best to be part of the change this world desperateley needs. It is time to put our money where our beleifs are.

Educating yourself is the bare minimum and we can all learn how to be more thoughtful and impactful. Please take some timne out of your day to use these resources created by Maxwell Boise.

A lot of progress must be made, and we cannot lose this momentum. We have and always will stand for the black community.